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Calculate Your Savings

Using lightweight, strong Airballs instead of solid balls can save you money on fuel costs. Use our calculator below to figure out how much you’ll save in fuel alone if you switch to Airballs.

There are other savings, too. Equipment made with Airballs is easier on your workforce because it’s lighter. And a lighter aircraft or cargo vessel can carry additional cargo.

Savings Calculator for Fuel (metric)

Click here to use pounds (lbs) instead of grams.

Balls On-Board (enter the number of balls needed) units
Solid Ball Weight (1" diameter 440C) grams
Hollow Ball Weight (1" diameter 440A) grams
Weight Savings kilograms
Fuel Cost (per kilogram of dead weight)1 dollars
Fuel Savings (per year)1 dollars
Solid Ball Cost (varies by quantity) dollars
Hollow Ball Cost (varies by quantity) dollars
Months between Ball Replacements months
Additional Hollow Ball Cost  dollars
NET SAVINGS (per year) using Hollow Balls dollars

Enter # of balls, press to see your savings.

clears data and resets the calculator

1 "It is generally held that one pound of dead weight costs $100 in fuel costs per annum." (link) - One pound equals 0.4536 kg.

This calculation represents a conservative estimate. It does not include the revenue generated by the additional load capacity due to weight savings.


Will your Airball float in a certain liquid? Look up the liquid's density, then find out.

Click here to look up Material Density

Diameter inches
Wall Thickness inches
Material Density lb/in3
Solid Ball Weight grams
Hollow Ball Weight grams
Liquid Density lb/in3
Volume of Liquid in3
Weight of Liquid grams
Does it float?

Enter volumes and densities, press to see if your ball will float.

clears data and resets the calculator